Choral Singing
Alchemy NGO
Joy, motivation to participate in a group, discovering new skills, improving self-esteem and connecting with others through music. There are many benefits brought by this project, developed for children and adolescents, but which also involves their families, functioning as a true occupational therapy and as a vehicle for life transformation, especially in times of pandemic. Music theory, singing and music instrumental classes had to adapt to the demands of social distancing, but even so, the project managed to alternate face-to-face (individual or in small groups, with members from the same family) and virtual activities, the latter with reach that exceeded its original geography, the city of São Paulo.
– Improve self-esteem and stimulate creativity through music.
– Through the teaching and practicing singing, valuing the expressive possibilities of the singing voice, recognizing it as the first and most important human musical instrument.
– Practice group awareness through the recognition of cultural diversities and through artistic and expressive experiences
– 285 hours of music, singing, percussion and recorder instrument classes for children and teenagers.
– 68 hours of violin lessons for children between 7 and 10 years of age.
– 82 hours of choral singing lessons for children, teenagers and adults.
– A total of 588 hours for activities carried out in all fields of the project.
(11) 2663-2590
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