ABRE – Training in Eurythmy


ABRE – Training in Eurythmy


ABRE – Brazilian Association of Eurythmists


São Paulo – SP



The Project

There is a huge gap in the demand for Eurythmy professionals at Waldorf Schools, teacher seminars, civil society organizations, and anthroposophical professional training courses. This project, started in 2018, provides for the training of new eurythmists based on the course designed and carried out by ABRE. Like almost everything and everyone, the project had to adapt, since last year, to the challenges and limits imposed by the pandemic. In-person classes for large groups were adapted to digital platforms, highlighting the creative capacity of teachers and students.


– Offer four basic years of training in Eurythmy and concepts of Social Eurythmy, leaving open the possibility of further specialization in other areas (therapeutic, social, scenic).

– To prepare the new eurythmists in such a way that, in the medium and long term, they can undertake the continuity of the training courses.

– Strengthen the Eurythmy movement in Brazil.


– 2,634 hours of online classes.

– 210 hours of hybrid classes (in person/online).

– 1,000 hours of hybrid tests (in person/online).

– 20 hours of meetings for the development of a mentoring program for eurythmists with the potential of undertaking the continuity of the training courses.

– 40 hours of work in social projects.