The voice of indigenous women – Radia Cunhã and the Network “For Indigenous Women” from the Northeast in a Cycle of Social Ecology Workshops
Ilhéus – BA
Assistance to indigenous women is commonly peripheral, with few investments destined for this group. Designed to be a stage in a set of actions to strengthen the Network for Indigenous Women, this project directly benefited 75 indigenous women living in Aldeia Cachimbo Imboré and Aldeia Milagrosa. Using different techniques and practices such as the Theater of the Oppressed (TO), the Social Ecology Workshops aimed to increase the awareness of participating indigenous women by creating a safe space for expression and reception of their experiences. The Group Organization Workshops, in turn, worked on how to enhance and structure meetings and strengthen leadership.
– Strengthen the Network for Indigenous Women.
– Empower women on issues in which they express themselves, such as gender, racism, health, motherhood, education, leadership, political expression, ecology, union and integration between villages.
– Activate multipliers to facilitate other gatherings and meetings of other indigenous groups.
– Catalyze new exchanges between villages through the activation of Rádio Cunha and VimVim, with the production and release of sketches.
– Activation of multipliers through group organization and development tools and facilitation tasks.
– Dissemination of illustrated and informative reports in the Indigenous Women’s Network media, helping to give visibility to indigenous groups.
– Elaboration of a detailed creative report document, with the expectation that it will be used as cascading material by indigenous women who wish to share it.
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