Biodynamic Seeds
Brazilian Association of Biodynamic Agriculture (ABD)
Botucatu – SP
The formation of a biodynamic seed network has been developed over several years by the ABD. The current project seeks to strengthen the seed network groups through the formation of a network of small community seed houses which are connected to the ABD mother bank. In selected locations in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, the project uses native seeds in the biodynamic management of groups of family farmers and agrarian reform settlers, based on the concept of constant awareness of farmers regarding the importance of producing and conserving their own seeds. The seed as a universal patrimony of people and as a fundamental asset for food sovereignty, in the face of pressure from the conventional seed market.
– Diagnosis and quality assessment of the seeds available and in demand by the project’s farmer groups.
– Training in seed production, processing and storage.
– Database organization and seed exchange from the ABD mother bank.
– Implementation of biodynamic seed houses.
– Organization of a local and regional seed exchange.
– Organization of a seed fair in the interior of São Paulo state and in the south of the state of Minas Gerais.
– Survey of seed production experiences within each of the groups.
– Acquisition of refrigerators, sieves, tarpaulins and other materials for the recipients of the different groups.
– Organization of seed distribution, based on seed update availability in the ABD bank and the demand from the seed houses.
– Continuous technical assistance for the different groups throughout the project, aiming at their training in seed production, processing and storage.
(11) 2663-2590
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