TRA – Tropical Regenerative Agriculture
Association for the Promotion of the Return of Trees
Itapolis – SP
Executed since 2016 at Sítio São Lourenço, in the region of Itápolis (SP), this project focuses on agricultural production, research and development of inclusive agriculture, as well as courses and field days. At this stage, the project seeks to enable the production and sale of regenerative vegetables, fruits and aromatic/medicinal plants. The focus is on optimizing the amount harvested, maximizing the unit value produced and expanding the planted area, demonstrating, in practice, the value of a new anthroposophical agriculture that mobilizes farmers, researchers, consumers, schools, clinics and local entrepreneurs.
– Expand the areas of vegetable, medicinal and fruit production while making their sales viable, developing the local regenerative market.
– Install irrigation system.
– Protect crops from attack by competitors.
– Mechanize, as much as possible, all agricultural operations.
– Conduct field days and practical courses.
– Expansion of the garden area by 2 hectares (ha), totaling 4 ha of irrigated and protected garden, with the potential for 2 production cycles.
-Implementation of a 1.5 ha banana plantation, regenerated and irrigated, in addition to 3 ha production of guavas, and 0.6 ha of forest strips with tangerines and pineapples.
– Tractor and basic implements, in addition to the development of an MRF chipper/spreader; post-harvest loss of less than 15%
– Conducting six field days and two courses a year, serving at least 90 students.
(11) 2663-2590
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