Compass Action
Compass Institute
Florianópolis – SC
The insertion of young people with special needs and women from peripheral communities in the labor market is the focus of this project that provides training in organic and biodynamic agriculture, legal access rights, school monitoring, artistic activities and the preparation and processing of sheep’s wool. According to the WHO (WHO, 2012), there are about 45.6 million people with disabilities in Brazil. The Compass Action project promotes professional training for teenage and adult women with disabilities, through sustainable practices in organic urban gardens. There are about 100 people benefiting directly – including apprentices and their families, biologists, artists, teachers, agronomists, sheep producers and material suppliers – and another 800 indirectly, consumers of wool products sold from the surrounding community.
– Promote socio-educational actions in the training and education of young people with special needs.
– Promote the professional training of this vulnerable and underserved group of people through training in biodynamic agriculture and wool work.
– Distribution of 11.5 tons of organic food in 2020.
– 1,900 baskets of vegetables sold directly to the consumer, in addition to the consigned sale of 200 kg of sunflower sprouts to five organic product stores.
– Donation of 200 baskets and sprouts to the Solidarity Kitchen project, which prepares meals for socially vulnerable people.
(11) 2663-2590
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